Home Foundation Repair
When you have structural problems at your home, it is important that they are handled by a trained and certified foundation repair professional. The team at Iowa Foundation Pros is comprised of trained and qualified professionals that will assess your situation, design the proper repair and thoroughly explain the entire repair process to you. We stand by our reliable foundation repair methods and products that will permanently solve most problems. Because the foundation truly supports the weight of your home, when there are any problems here, you definitely know about it. We understand that failing to address the underlying cause of the issues will result in jeopardizing the structural integrity of the entire home. When parts of the foundation become weak due to exterior damage, it is possible that they could collapse in on themselves, which can make your home uninhabitable. To prevent having this from happening to your home, it is important that you consult with our repair experts when you first notice any type of foundation issue. We offer all our foundation repair services in these areas of Iowa.
Common Foundation Problems & Warning Signs
Home Foundation Settlement
We offer a complete scope of foundation repair & settlement products that can fix or repair any of the most common foundation settlement issues. Our proven foundation solutions are cost effective and are made of the finest materials and have been thoroughly tested over the years.
The signs of a sinking foundation are fairly simple to spot if you know what to look for. Cracks in foundation walls or in drywall sheets as well as stair step cracks in your brick work or block mortar are definite indicators that your basement or foundation is settling. When doors or windows stick or do not open or close properly, your chimney is pulling away from the home, or you have visibly uneven or sloping floors, these are definite warning signs of a foundation problem.
Signs of Foundation Failure:
Windows and doors are difficult to open or close
- Multiple nails are exposed in ceilings and walls
- There are visible gaps in window and door frames
- Window and/or door trim have space around them
- Floors are visually uneven or sloping
- Bowed or leaning basement walls
- Cracks in your foundation walls
- Interior plaster walls have cracks
- Chimneys are tilting or leaning away from the home
- Foundations are visibly sinking
- Long cracks in your basement walls
Why let the problems continue to cause your home and property further damage; damage that will not only cost you more money in repairs but dramatically lower the value of your property? We are your foundation repair and wall stabilization experts.
Sinking Foundation Repair Services
When it comes to repairing your sinking foundation problems, our team has over 30 years of experience in the industry. We know what repairs work and what do not, and that is why we utilize this tried and tested foundation piering method. Once installed, these piers are actually able to restore your home to its original position.
Push Pier System
A properly installed push pier system is able to mechanically transfer the weight of your home to stable, suitable soils or bedrock below the home. Using these specially designed anchors eliminates unnecessary and expensive coring and concrete pier work. These push piers are hydraulically forced into the ground to specific depths where stable soils or bedrock are found.
- First, we attach a series of high strength steel brackets to your home’s footing.
- Then, we use a special hydraulic press to drive high strength steel piers down to the bedrock or load-bearing soil.
- Finally, we carefully transfer the weight of your home to the network of piers to permanently support the foundation and home.
Basement Foundation Crack Repair
When you notice any type of crack in your basement or foundation wall, it is very important that you have it inspected and repaired by a professional before it can have a lasting effect on the structural integrity of your home. That’s why our team has honed their skills in basement & foundation crack repair to help homeowners keep their home protected from these types of damage.
Typically, these cracks are formed as a result of natural shrinkage of concrete used to makeup the floor and walls of your basement. There are other times that they are indicators of a foundation settlement issue or of an increase in hydrostatic pressure on the outside walls. No matter what the cause is, it is important to have an expert perform an evaluation of the cracks to determine how and when they need to be repaired.
Foundation Cracks
Foundation cracks can come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and patterns. A good rule to follow is the deeper and larger the crack is, the more you need to be worried about it. This does not mean you should ignore any cracks you find that are small and just starting to form. All foundation cracks need to be properly inspected at by a trained professional to determine what the initial cause of the cracks was and ensure they are repaired to prevent the need for the installation of a basement waterproofing system.
Basement Wall Cracks
Wall cracks can be a result of hydrostatic pressure causing a bowing wall, a settling foundation, or just from the natural curing of the concrete which was used to create the wall. They will normally be seen in a horizontal, vertical, or stair-step pattern. They can start at any location along the wall including the top, bottom, or center, and they will generally grow and spread over time. They will typically start off being rather short and small to begin with, and over time they can get to be much longer and possibly go through the entire wall.
Floor Cracks
When there are floor cracks, typically they do not pose a serious threat to the structural integrity of a home. However, if you choose to disregard them, it won’t be long before water starts to seep inside the basement as a result of a rising and falling water table around and under your home. If you have noticed puddles forming on the floor, then this is a good indicator that water has started to come in through these cracks.
More Serious Foundation Cracks
It is somewhat common for foundation cracks to be an indicator that you have a settling foundation or bowing basement walls. If we determine that this is the cause of your problems, it is important to implement the necessary repair process to protect the foundation and ensure the integrity is not compromised. This will be done by installing a system of piers, wall anchors and wall plates, or other repair options.
Bowed/Buckling Walls
Bowing basement walls are most often the result of hydrostatic pressure in the earth. This pressure is created when the soil around your home absorbs moisture either when it rains or when there is melting snow on the lawn. This creates pressure (hydrostatic) on the exterior foundation walls, and it will eventually cause them to buckle into the home. Alternatively, this pressure can also be caused by a lack of water that forces the soil to compact and create pressure on a wall. One of the best methods we use to repair these bowing walls is the use of wall anchors and/or carbon fiber straps.
Basement Wall rebuilding
For homeowners in the Des Moines area who have crumbling masonry or basement walls, we have specialized solutions to restore your walls as well. Whether this is a small section of wall that is starting to break down or a full width section, we offer basement wall rebuilding services for you. In the past, we have found that occasionally a basement wall may not have been built with the best materials or proper techniques. When we find these walls, they can become very weak over time and start to fall apart, crumble into the basement, or even bow inward.
To determine if a wall can be repaired or will require replacement work, we will send a professional, trained, and certified foundation inspection expert to your home. They will carefully examine the problem wall(s), and clearly outline what the proper repair procedure is and what will need to be done to implement it. If it is determined that the best course of action is to build a new wall, an appointment for the work will be scheduled at a time that works best for you. We know this is a complex and messy job, but it is important that you know it is very necessary. The longer your home sits on a wall that is not properly built, the longer that wall has a chance to completely fail and cause much more costly damage to your home.
Mason Wall
If your walls are built of masonry or brickwork, we also provide masonry wall rebuilds. This includes treating the stone or brick basement walls that are often found in some older and classic homes in our area. Rest assured, we treat these walls with the same level of attention and commitment to quality as any other type of wall. We understand that no matter what the wall is built of, if it has problems, then they need to be repaired to keep the home standing safely. It is critical that when you have a masonry basement wall, you contact us quickly to evaluate the wall and get the proper fixes in place. This will help prevent more damage and reduce the cost of the overall repair.
Foundation Repair Consultations
During your consultation with our professionals, they will perform a thorough inspection of the foundation to determine the exact cause of the problem. Once that is complete, a detailed plan of action will be created and you will be given a full walk through of the intended repair process.